Once a fire starts, it can quickly get out of control.
Which is why you need to be able to put it out, fast. The LifeSafe patented fluid contained within StaySafe All-in-1 is designed to suffocate the fire, effectively ‘killing’ it before it’s able to grow and spread.

Peace of mind, in more ways than one.
StaySafe All-in-1 provides peace of mind, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing it’s fully tested and approved by recognised third-parties such as the British Standards Institute.

Caring for you, caring for the planet.
Fires are nasty, and some fire extinguishers can be too. StaySafe All-in-1’s fluid is completely safe, non-toxic and creates a lot less mess than many other extinguishers.
It’s certified Positive to Plant Life, confirmed no negative impact on water, and in a fully recyclable bottle.

Watch StaySafe All-in-1 in action
How many do you need?
If a fire can start anywhere, then where should you keep your StaySafe All-in-1, and how many should you keep?