In simple terms fire is a result of an “incident” that creates trauma, causing energy to be released as heat (this is known as Exothermic reaction that rapidly releases the built up energy as heat) that mixes with available oxygen to form a flammable vapour that burns. This is a chain of events / reactions – e.g. a chain reaction, REMOVE one element of this chain and the fire cannot exist.
Our product drastically reduces heat within the fuel source on a molecular level by creating an Endothermic reaction that absorbs the energy and consequential heat drastically reducing the incumbent heat within the fuel source. Therefore, no flammable vapour is created as the heat is released.
As a secondary level to tackle fuel sources that are more volatile such as alcohol or some lithium ion batteries, our product suffocates any oxygen generated as the fuel source (such as carbon cathodes) break down.
The product removes two of the elements from the fire triangle (heat / energy) and thus renders the fuel source inert.
An encapsulator agent will remove the oxygen element of the triangle of fire, I,e, heat, fuel, oxygen. Due to the nature of Lithium-ion batteries, they can continue to self-heat without oxygen being present, therefore cooling is the best method.
We have test data demonstrating how a lithium-ion battery rapidly increased its usual -20 to +45 degrees Celsius operating temperatures to in excess of 400 degrees Celsius (this would’ve easily exceeded 1,000 degrees Celsius if unchecked) that by the application of our fluid reduced instantly to 160 degrees, instantly to 80 degrees, a further 75 seconds later returning to an operating safe temperature sub 45 degrees Celsius within minutes. This calmed the rapidly heating electrolyte, prevented the carbon-based electrodes from breaking down and releasing subsequent gases and most importantly, protects the polymer separator from breaking down and thus preventing a prohibiting a thermal runaway.
In addition to using non toxic ingredients that are either food or pharmaceutical grade, we have carried out various environmental tests ensuring the product doesn’t harm root growth or the water table and the source of life that represents.
FER T1 – EN3 – 27A / 75F / 55B / Di-Electric
FER X5 – EN3 – 13A 6 Litre / 21A 9 Litre – Bespoke 1 x 36V on each test on each
FER1000 – EN3 – 34A 6 Litre (55A 9 Litre) / 75F / Di Electric
In the same way that a chemical reaction occurs when energy is released as heat to create a fire is called an Exothermic Reaction. Our product uses an Endothermic Reaction where the fluid absorbs the energy and consequential heat from the surrounding areas affected by the fuel source, which is what makes surrounds cooler which prevents re-ignition.
Conventional fire fighting methods deal with the initial fire but don’t deal with thermal runaway because they fail to significantly reduce temperature quick enough, preventing the cell from breaking down providing an internal supply of oxygen.
Although we only use a trace of a C6 Fluro surfactant, we adhere to the 2010/15 PFOA Stewardship Programme, ensuring a carbon chain of less than 8 and the 2017 US EPA & European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ensuring that we don’t exceed a carbon chain of greater than C6. In addition, in 2020 we further reduced the level of impurities to less than 25 parts per billion for PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid) and less 1000 parts per billion PFOA – Related substances. In fact we record 0.015 parts per billion PFOA and 0.54 parts per billion PFOA – Related substances.
We are pleased to say we achieved this three years prior to the requirement to do so and in fact our product contains considerably fewer than the maximum quantities allowable under any current or imminent legislation. Or levels are lower than many products that claim to be fluorine free.
The fluid is “water” with phosphates and salts suspended into it and with the addition oxygen, it does have corrosive properties in the way seawater atmospheres do. However, the fluid has been subject to various chemical resistance tests of various metals and alloys. On metals it received a + rating that it was resistant to corrosion – on alloys it received an (+) rating stating it was fairly resistant to corrosion.